Attorneys at Law
Dunn & Miller, PC

Litigation and Transactional Civil Law Practice

13321 North Outer Forty Road, Town & Country, Missouri 63017

Phone: (314) 786-1200, Fax: (314) 786-1201


Copyright 2011 Dunn & Miller, PC


Disclaimer:  Nothing provided in this website should be considered legal advice or legal opinion. This web site is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship or otherwise open a file.  Please contact one of our attorneys to schedule an office conference for personal and confidential advice concerning your legal matter. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. 

YourLaw is a four-page newsletter containing articles on a wide range of legal issues including real property, business, estate planning, consumer issues, employment, taxation, personal injury and family law.


YourLaw is prepared by the American Bar Association (ABA) Division for Public Education.  Articles in YourLaw do not necessarily represent the official policies of the American Bar Association or of Dunn & Miller, PC, and the information contained in the newsletter should not be acted on without professional advice. 


YourLaw articles focus on broadly applicable legal principles.  Contact Dunn & Miller, PC to schedule an office conference for personal and confidential advice concerning your legal matter.

YourLaw Fall 2010